upcoming events
past program photos
Seminars and workshops

Monthly Temazcal
At: Tierra del Sol, Oaxaca, Mexico
Last Saturday of each month. Fire at 10 am and enter at 12.
Suggested donation 300 MXN
Contact me to be added to the contact list.
Weekly Pipe Circle
By Zoom
Sunday, 5 pm
Monthly Temazcal Teaching Group
Meeting the second Saturday of each month in San Lorenzo, this group is for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of the temazcal ceremony and it’s meanings. The group is limited to 12 people at a time, 12 month committment required to join the group. The donation is 500 pesos each month/
Comienza en Septiembre 2022 TemazcalLo de mujeres con Raizza
The location will travel be the home of Raizza in San Lorenzo
El lugar esta en San Lorenzo.
Contact Raizza (Whatsapp 551 395 74 69)
Para mas informacion llama por whats app Raizza o Melisa.
Raizza esta constuyendo un temzacal con vida
Cada Meis por zoom–tercera domingo a las 11
Consejo Internal con Guia–traiga tus preguntas

And Coming in 2026
Location is La Montana San Pablo, Oaxaca
Dates: April to be determined
Vision Quest
Explore what it means to be in deep relationship with the land, calling on spirits of place, the plants and all our relations, to bring vision into our lives so that we can do the work spirit wants of us.
We do this by fasting and removing ourselves from the circle we inhabit, slowing down our life and being open to receiving what spirit has for us.
The quest will be a minimum of 6 questors and a maximun of 12.