This evergreen plant is a perennial bush growing as tall as 2 meters. It has spiky leaves that give the distinctive aroma of romero. The leaves are opposing and give off their scent when touched although they are a firm waxy surface. The blooms are a light blue to purplish and in moderate climates it is known to bloom year round. Interestingly in Oaxaca it seems to struggle and you will often see it as a thin spindly plant as shown in the picture above. Many people have reported that it rarely blooms here.

Where it grows:
Rosemary can grow virtually anywhere including poor sandy soils, high wind areas, high salt areas and in marine environments. In abundant water situations like close to the ocean you will often see it as a vigorous and abundant plant. But, it needs good drainage to grow well. Also, she prefers full sun although she can grow in the shade in moderate climates.
I have seen some Rosemary plants in gardens in Oaxaca that are quite vigorous. And, I have yet to find it in the wild here.
Health Benefits
Rosemary is a strong antioxidant which means she is useful in almost all situations. As Doña Queta says she is a pharmacy in a single plant. By antioxidant we are referring to it’s ability to work with the oxidative stresses of modern life, things like canola oil and aluminum. It prevents and reverses the effects of oxidative stress.
Anti-bacterial and Antiviral:
Rosemary is also anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial. So she is helpful with any illness that may present. For example the essential oil (particularly diluted with CBD oil) is very effective for ear infections and swimmers ear. And unlike an antibiotic it maintains the gut health while doing so. It is also specific for fungus and yeast like candida and other parasitic situations.
Studies have shown it to be helpful for cancer. I particularly feel it is specifically cancer preventative as herbs showing this strong antioxidant properties are preventative. And like curcuma you should consider it as a daily support herb.
Memory Booster and Brain Health:
Rosemary has a saying about her saying Rosemary is for remembrance. So it is specific for alzheimers and elder support. It definitely supports focus and thought as well as memory.
In addition it crosses the blood/brain barrier. This is specifically important for detox of the cerebral system and cerebral lymph system. She is particularly known for supporting heavy metal detox of the brain. So if you use aluminum, teflon or have mercury fillings it is very supportive of optimal brain health
It is a really good addition to foods, especially chicken. Rosemary infused oil is nice for cooking. And, for stronger medicinal benefits it is better in tincture but added to food is a good way to start.
Muscle Pain Relief:
It’s reported to help with muscle pain. While I have no direct experience (I use a datura flower remedy), it would be something interesting to try.
Methods of preparation:
Infusion place 2 tsp in a cup and cover with boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes. It is really good to combine it with thyme for a double effect.
Decoction place 1/2 cup of leaves and stems in 1 liter of water and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
Tincture dried leaves is done with a dried leaves by weight plus 5 times the weight of water and alcohol at 50% each. Shake daily and keep in a dark place for 2 weeks.
Tincture fresh leaves is done by filling a glass vessel with leaves and stems (I don’t peal the leaves from the stems) and fill with 100% alcohol. Shake daily and keep in a dark place until done. With fresh tinctures I find they are ready in a few days.
To use in salves you first make a strong oil, dried leaves are best for working with oils unless you fully remove any water from the fresh leaves. In an oven proof container (glass or stainless steel not teflon or aluminum), place the leaves, mix in a slight amount of alcohol just to break down the cell wall, cover with a good quality oil, and warm in open oven for 12 hours or so. Strain and the resulting oil is a base for salves. When used alone just add beeswax to the consistency desired.
Also, with most strongly aromatic plants I prefer working with the fresh rather than dried plant. And unlike some I find it effective even when dried, I just like fresh better.
Notes from my work with Rosemary:
Rosemary is one of those very outgoing herbs that seems to like to work with people or at least that’s my experience. The first time she spoke to me she was telling me about using the essential oil for swimmers’ ear that I had.
When having the mercury removed from my mouth, I started using Rosemary daily because she is so specific for heavy metal toxicity in the brain. I also had a low grade throat infection which caused a dry hacking cough for years, during this period I attribute the healing of my throat to her and some of the other herbs I was taking at the time.
In addition, I find her supportive for any lung issues such as COPD, Chronic Bronchitis, Grief, etc.
The essential oil combined with CBD has resolved swimmers’ ear for me on numerous occasions so I would be willing to use for any ear infections as well. I also use the essential oil in my shaving cream to wake up in the morning.
The next time she spoke to me was when I was just beginning the mercury detoxing and she recommended a mixture of black sage, red root and licorice to support what I was already doing for detox. This has proven very effective as well.
I find her to be neurological protective as well. Being very sensitive to EMF whenever I’m in a high EMF environment there is an area in my brain that feels like it is getting inflamed or vibrating, very strange feeling. When taking rosemary tincture I feel it soothing that area of my brain directly.