The Fear Porn Continues with Monkeypox

Right on schedule the world health orginizations are now pushing a new vaccine and illness hystertia. Tedros the veterinarian head of the who is making it a world concern against his advisory board. Of course, being a veterinarian Tedros is probably really concerned with any illness concerning animals. People however should be cautious around known liers and abusers of health information like the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, Fauci, Walensky, Birx, and the list keeps growing (don’t forget Gates)…

At least they are being somewhat more transparent and outright admitting the monkey pox vaccine if you choose to take it makes you part of an ongoing safety trial. Unlike the covid death shot they are at least admitting there is no safe and effective data to justify it…

And of course killer fauci ups the hysteria by saying women and chilcren at high risk again with no background data. If after the last 2 years of lies, anyone who follows a fauci or tedros are really going to ruin their heath…

Of course Walensky joins the hysteria…

You will need to copy and paste to see the referenced articles. And if you have any other doubt here are even more articles from the last two weeks… issue-warning-about-new-pandemic- declaration_4622634.html?utm_source=goodeveningnoe&utm_campaign=gv-2022-07-28&utm_medium=email&est=ee%2BH%2FyPKiRoBMeaR8D%2BrbsqH7P9ctE90P7V17ebtu0bA5Yh26 %2F57FbcZi4cqP0o%3D documentary-who-vaccines-global-population- cola/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=7e133681-7af4-4fdf-b25a-25a7e42ccc05 public-health-emergency/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=84e28186-ad19-422d- b931-543950374fe9 advisory-group_4623921.html