The experience will not leave you disappointed. The first time I had one was over 10 years ago while living in Miahuatlan. This is a local Oaxaca food that I have not seen anywhere but the state of Oaxaca and usually in the central valleys.
This is definitely not a health food. Starting with a questionable bun (not whole wheat, sour dough or any version of healthy), a paper thin hamburger patty is added. It is difficult to discern just exactly how it is made as it is even thinner than most tortillas. So is it pressed in a tortilla press? Who knows.
To this is added a plethora of delights; pineapple, a turkey hot dog, turkey ham slice, yellow cheese (don’t know what kind), oaxaca cheese, chillis, mayo, mustard, ketchup, and whatever else occurs in the moment.
This one is from a great little juice shop here in San Lorenzo. Usually you find them on the street, but with things as they are now there are not a lot of street vendors. Originally for me it was a Sunday evening food. You know the food you go to when you don’t want to cook and it is the only thing available.
Then leaving Oaxaca for quite some time, these hamburgers became a favorite missed food. A little like a burrito when in Oaxaca. I have never found a good burrito in Oaxaca, it is a border food and the border towns do it best. But, when away from the border and after a time, I begin to crave one and need to head north.
The same when in the north after a time there is nothing like an Oaxacan Hamburger and the cravings set in.
Now usually I am a very sane eater, never considering the foods that go to make the burger. But, then,…