Oaxaca Bama

Are Electric Vehicles Effective and Environmentally Friendly

See the following on the environmental impact of mining lithium for electric vehicles.  The more that is coming out the clearer it is that electric vehicles are much worse for the environment than existing cars.  You see the environmental focus on all the wrong things like co2, nitrogen etc.   Totally clueless academics or geeks with […]

Are Electric Vehicles Effective and Environmentally Friendly Read More »

An Interesting Few Weeks

the last few weeks have had revelation after revelation. Fauci admitting the clot shot doesn’t work. Birx admitting she conned the country making things up and pushing an agenda for power and control not health (she even wrote a book admitting it). Gates saying the vaccine doesn’t work, And yet they want to continue to

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Description:   This evergreen plant is a low growing creeping plant that is upright and can grow to 40 cm although I rarely see it higher than 10 or 20.  It has spiky leaves that give the distinctive aroma of thyme, very aromatic.  The leaves are opposing and give off their scent when touched. The

Thyme–Tomillo Read More »