Before you begin:
Before trying to clear toxins from the body, you should examine your home and lifestyle tor any toxins you may be using. For example canola oil is in most inexpensive oils and definitely in oil blends as it is cheap. It is also a toxin that you should not use. Some other considerations are to remove plastics, aluminum and teflon which all impact health badly. Do you have mercury fillings in your mouth? Do you use only fresh local prodcue preferably organic? The same for your meats. Fish needs to be wild caught and not farmed. If you have a question about something you are using, please ask.
Also, keep in mind that since the 90’s nano particles have been added to foods for preservation and other economic rather than health considerations. So if you notice the loaf of bread that you buy never goes bad sitting on your counter for more than a week, are you sure you want to put that in your body. So again, if using prepared foods try to buy local made and preserved items. Most farmers’ markets will have these. Or make your own.
For example, if you read the ingredients on even organic boxed nut and grain milks will have additives which undermine health. They are easily made at home from fresh organic grains and nuts.
There is no reason to suffer physically to detox the body. The first thing to consider is simple fasting. I really like a fast I learned from Dhyani who recommended fasting on a regular basis:
Day 1 Herbal teas only, consider teas that support the body’s healing process like rosemary, thyme or ones to support lymph movement like chamomile
Day 2 Water with fruit juice like agua del dia here in Mexico
Day 3 Vegetable broth made from fresh local veggies
Day 4 the veggies that were used to make the broth above
There are many other types of fast. The key is to let the body rest from the constant assault from the processes used in modern food preparation. You can search for various fasting techniques online. I really think intermittent fasting is great where you just don’t eat for 13 or 14 hours in a 24 hour period.
Personally at least one or two times a week I like to miss dinner altogether.
Channels of Elimination:
| believe that people who suffer during a detox protocol have not started here. Before you can clear the toxins from your body, you need to have a place for them to go. The primary elimination channels are the poop, the urine, the sweat and also the breath, saliva, tears, any output from the body,
Liver support will be important as you begin a detox program. As you start to move toxins your liver will have to work harder. In addition, dependind on how toxic and inflamed the body is you may need deeper healing for your liver to function properly. There are many liver support herbs available depending on what is available in your area. Dandelion, any of the docks, etc are all very supportive. My favorite with a strong history of healing the liver is milk thistle seed. Your channels of elimination will not function well if you have a clogged liver and gall bladder.
The poop activity should be daily. I’m often shocked by people who think once every few days is normal and healthy, I don’t think so. If not pooping at least once a day (2 or 3 is good too) consider using the night powder recipee in my medicine making handout. After a few days excess congestion in your colon will be moving out, continue the powder as long as needed.
In addition look to the micro biome function. Are they eating fermented foods for example? Are they getting prebiotic foods at every meal?
For the bladder/kidney area you want to be peeing every 2 hours or so. Urine should be clear and lightly colored and the smell not overpowering (unless eating something like asparagus). Is there any discomfort on urination? Pain in the kidney area? I like to start with nettle infusion anyway as once the liver starts sending out more toxins kidney support is beneficial. I also like for a person to check their urine for ph.
The skin has many indicators of whether it is eliminating toxins properly through the sweat. Things such as acne especially in older people, psoriasis, rashes in general are all indicators of skin that is not eliminating properly. Also, the general color will be an indicator. Regular exercise, sauna, exfoliating, scrubbing the skin with a loofa can all improve skin function. Alternating hot/cold bath/showers, a detox bath with epsom salts or flowers may be called for.
Respiration is another major source of removing toxins from the body. So pay attention to the breath, does if flow freely, trouble inhaling or exhaling, excess congestion and coughing? Generally speaking any herb that supports lymphatic tissue will also support the lungs. So herbs like red root or dan shen may be indicated. Also, I like liposomal vitamin c for clearing and opening the lungs and use it and/or osha depending on the situation. If congestion is pronounced, I will refer to Stephen’s COPD protocol. In general, regular deep breathing is a good idea.
For excess congestion in the sinuses, usually the above addresses any problems here. But, if not, look to foods and environmental toxins that keep causing the congestion.
All people but especially women who wear bras to tight, benefit from lymphatic massage. It is easy to do a self lymphatic massage on a regular basis and is gently massaging the major lymph nodes and transit points, the groin, under the arms and beside the breast, the collar bone, neck, behind the knees and ankles. Or if you prefer a really good massage therapist can do wonders for lymphatic congestion.
At this point it is good to do a food and elimination journal as you start and again as you feel your channels are functioning well.
Regular exercise is a must and can be tailored to individual needs. For example, tai chi and chi gong are amazing for supporting the body function and healing. For most people simple walking daily or several times a week will serve. Also, gardening is wonderful and supports the microbiome.
For someone with excess lung congestion you want to build to 15 or 20 minutes of exercise causing deep breathing. This can be hiking up and down hills or something like getting on an eliptical or treadmill.
Personally I like to do 30 minutes of tai chi and yoga everyday and the waking and eliptical several times a week. Your channels of elimination will not function optimally without physical exercise.
Most recommend 7 to 8 hours per night. I’m more the 8 to 9 hours type, |I don’t believe less than 8 is sufficient. Quality is as important as quantity. Living in Mexico, peple will mention brain fog and fatigue as presenting issues. The first question I ask is about sleep patterns. In Mexico it is very common for younger people to not go to bed before 1 or 2 in the morning. Then in their 30’s they start complaining. Often just getting them in bed by 9 or 10 with a solid 8 hours fixes the problem.
In traditional chinese medicine the belief is that most of the deeper healing of the body and channels of elimination occur between 10 pm and 2 am. Adjusting your patterns to more closely match the natural cycles around you will be supportive. Think dark is for sleep and light is for moving. In winter there is more dark so it is a time of resting deeper for example.
Detox Components:
Now you are ready to start the detox process. I begin with the chelators, the things that bind the toxins into the channels of elimination. Some common chelators that I use are: activated charcoal chlorella, spirulina, clay, cilantro and parsley. These are usaully available.
These turn out to be very body specific. For example, someone who tolerates chlorella well may not tolerate spirulina. Some cannot tolerate the taste of cilantro. In general I like for a person to use at least 2 or more of the chelators. Like any herb or supplement start small and build after seeing if the body tolerates the item well.
In the actual detox process I focus on two things. The first is heavy metals, food additives, nano particles, externally generated toxins the body stores. Keep in mind toxins are often stored in the fat, also fat leads to inflammation. As you detox you will likely loose both fat and inflammation which will release more toxins for the body to remove. And if dealing with brain fog and fatigue you will find heavy metals in the brain.
I find that rosemary, turmeric and thyme all very effective for crossing the blood brain barrier and moving out the heavy metals. Not all herbs cross the blood brain barrier well but they do. I also find that the artemesias and salvias are quite specific in helping this. Rosemary and thyme make a really nice infusion that can be taken several times per day. Otherwise I recommend a dropper of each in tincture form 3 times per day and as much of the infusion as you want. This provides a slow gentle movement that doesn’t usually cause issues. So rosemary, turmeric and thyme as standard and the salvias and artemesias as support.
I particularly find estafiate, artemesia and white sage as supportive of the brain.
The second primary focus area is on the intestines. For example, if you have eaten a lot of bread will likely have a gluten build up in the intestines. The gluten creates a barrier that prevent nutrient absorption in the gut. So even if eating the best diet it is not doing so much for you as it can’t absorb.
So some of this may be resolved in the above protocol. If you have someone who has adrenal fatigue and other auto immune type situations it will need additional work. I like to start with dessicated animal orgains. Some people prefer digestive enzymes which will also help. But especially due to the stresses of first world living, I like the dessicated organs and they have a wider range of function and more profound supplementation. This is particularly needed by long term vegitarians who are living by rules rather than listening to their bodies.
So if a deeper support is needed particularly in autoimmune conditions I go the the night powder, which is powdered herbs taken at night before bed with water. The actual blend of herbs used depends on the individual, for example chlorella versus spirulina.
If dealing with post vaccination toxicity, you will need to consider the vaccine they are having. If it is the new covid one, there are websites to look up the most common side effects by batch for ideas. In addition you will be dealing with graphene which needs to be addressed, I like C-60 and also feel the liposomal vitamin c is supportive.
Detox and System Supports:
Generally speaking the toxin buildup a person is experiencing has lead to under utilization of the nutrients the body needs. The body will heal itself if you provide it with the things it needs. And for most people the concept of listening to your body and giving it what it wants to be able to heal is not a skill they have. So helping the person build that skill is important and usually is a side benefit of this process. But encouraging this understanding si important.
I like to meditate with parts of my body that need healing and also the overall immune system. So I will bring these into my cirlce and tell them what is needed and ask for their help.
So system support is done through diet, think fermented foods. You want a variety of fermented foods as each will have a different bacterial profile that helps expand the microbiome function. These are things like kimchi, saukraut, miso, kambucha, tapache, yogurt. If you have an eastern european or middle eastern or asian market available they are nice sources of ideas. Home fermentation is easy and lets you truly control the inputs.
Also, where and how you shop. You want local foods, grown locally and eaten in season. This is true of meat as well as fruit and vegetables. If you can buy directly from the grower it is best. Avoid supermarket foods in favor of farmers markets and local butchers. I buy my chicken from a local organic chicken farmer. Think of colors, the more colors you eat the more phytonutrients and better nutrition.
Stay far away from GMO foods. Also, foods reading organic but have things like corn syrup or canola oil. Generally I stay away from packaged foods but if buying one I don’t even pick it up to read the label unless it reads both non-gmo and organic. Then if it has more than 5 ingredients you probably don’t want it either or if it has some of the known toxins like corn syrup. In addition in the US I don’t know about Canada or Mexico, if non-organic it will be full of glyphosphate as well.
For systemic herbs like adaptogens and other support herbs not discussed above, here are some suggestions. Again, introduce new herbs slowly and check how the body is tolerating them. In general:
Apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon in a room temperature water early in the day. This alkalinizes the system. In addition I add the juice of a small lime, the wild type one not the hybrid without seeds. This is both probiotic and high in vitamih c as well.
Milk thistle seed I discussed above but again given our toxic food system supporting your liver ongoing is necessary.
Rosemary/turmeric/thyme have already been mentioned but are here again because they are very supportive sytemically, can be taken long term and have a long history of safety. But, if you are allergic to one or more they may not work for you. But if having brain fog they are really important.
I also like cayenne for my body. It moves the blood so it supports the detox process. It is also heart supportive and promotes weight loss. I put the tincture In my coffee. You can use capsules instead. But this may be contra indicated for someone with excess heat. Sometimes heat for heat sometimes not.
Adaptogens are herbs that give systemic healing, regulation and support. With adaptogens matching the person to the herb is important. For example, some people do not tolerate ashwaganda and can’t take it although it is known to support thyroid function specifically. Some well known ones are gotu kola, turmeric, rhodiola, eletheuro, ashwaganda, pirul, etc. I like to have at least 2 working for a person at this time.
Artemesia is amazing for balancing the hormones. In fact estafiate is known as the master herb and is taken for about everything down here. In addition it addresses potential parasite issues.
For toning the heart and veins I like oak or hawthorne berry although the cayenne works as well. The oak is most specific if the person has vericosities or hemoroids.
And in some cases the addition of magnets can be very helpful with stimulating detox throughout the body. This is true especially if chronic pain is involved.
And at a minimum people considering detox should be taking several grams of good quality vitimin c. I like liposomal vit. C Mercola brand, expensive but superior. Nutri vein also has one less expensive but not as good. I consider 3 grams a day divided to be maintenance dosing. For detox I like 1 gram every 2 hours or so.
Vitamin d3 is necessary for anyone north of the Mexican border and I stilll take it during the cloudy season where I can’t get at least an hour of sunshine a day. I like to start with 5,000 IU per day. Most people underutilize much like vit c above. I know one doctor who does 40,000 IU per day to keep his blood level where he wants it.
If you have a recent blood panel showing vitamin and mineral levels it is helpful to pinpoint other defficiencies. But, since absorbtion is low when you need detox, I like a:
It is an ionic trace mineral supplement that has been good by me.
Westerrn thought has not been focused on parasites in the last few years. Bad idea. If there are chronic situations that never go away and travel from one part of the body especially in the form of joint and abdominal pain, consider parasites. There are an incrdible amount of anti-parasite herbs in Mexico like guyaba, banana leaves, avacado parts, the artemesias and the list goes on. Generally | choose herbs that address this when selecting the herbal mix in a recommendation.
Body Awareness:
Learning to listen to your body is key to ensuring an effective. To start just simply ask yourself how it feels. So when considering a produce item, how does it feel? I do this with all my shopping. When you do this you will soon stop buying so much at the supermarket because it doesn’t feel good like the things from the farmers markets. Then doing the same while cooking and then eating your food. If you put something in your mouth and then ask how does it feel…
Ordering Your Program:
I like to approach the system that needs support the most first. For example, if you have a person with systemic inflammation they will have high chloresterol, possibly high blood pressure, rashes and other issues. By treating the inflammation first the body will be able to do detox better.
If the person presents with bloating, gas and digestive issues, I will do digestive enzymes, trace minerals and chelators first then move to the detox prograzm. They probably need something for systemic inflamation as well.
If the person presents with adrenal fatigue, I will do desicated organ meats, elethuero, meditation and focus on drama triangle and other stressors.
I do not like those short term detox formulas that are seen throughout the internet although I know people who have used them succesfully. To me if ignores the fact that living in our modern world you are constantly bombarded by toxins. So I don’t think of detox as detox as much as modifying my lifestyle so that my body can heal itself.
So detoxing for a few weeks and turning around and eating a bunch of bimbo bread is really self defeating. Being a food nazi attacking others is also not beneficial so you might find yourself is situations where you have to eat a slice or two. Living this as a lifestyle makes this unimportant.
So find the elements that support your body and look at them as a lifestyle decision, something like choosing not to drink sodas anymore, something you can do and will improve overall health. Particularly in the area of supporting herbs, you might find ones that really resonate with your body that you choose to work with long term.