White Sage in Bloom in My Garden

Taken in my garden where it is flourishing and giving me enough for both tincturing and smudging.  I have not done provings on this plant yet and will post more when I do.

Update, I have started doing provings on white and garden sage and will say more later.  I did provings on black sage and found that it felt like scrubbing bubbles in my blood throughout my body.  I started doing provings because rosemary told me that black sage with red root and licorice would help clear my body of toxins.  And, it has seemed to do just that.

Well, doing provings on both white sage and garden sage. The initial response for white sage is it seems to go to the lungs and up into the head. While garden sage goes to the stomach and below. The white sage brings clarity to the thought process and acts much like Julie says bacopa does for her.

And it is amazing the way white sage works in my body. It goes up into the head and brings that clarity and focus that I usually get from smudging. And the garden sage seems to go directly to my gut where I can feel it toning and tightening the intestines much like scrub oak does for the veins.

An interesting thing happed today while sitting with white sage and garden sage. I was asking to meet the elder spirit of each.

The elder spirit of white sage totally inhabits this area. It is everywhere (although the actual plant isn’t) and very strong in itself. The garden sage took me to some place in eastern europe or the near mid east. This really surprised me as it grows in my garden and I tend to think of it as a domestic plant, and it grows in my garden.

Taking the fresh tincture of garden sage one dropper three times a day lead to nausea which worsened with the length of time. A single dropper a day serves to tone the intestines but with three it lead to a purge of the gall bladder with a lot of things coming out. Definitely a purge and something to consider if doing detox from long term toxic exposure.

Taking the fresh tincture of white sage was amazing. It went from the chest up and felt like I was smudging my brain from the inside. This brought clarity and focus. Unlike garden sage, it went up where garden sage seems to hit the stomach and go down.